Sunday, November 8, 2009


Korea doesn't really celebrate Halloween like we do in the good ol US of A, but we kinda sorta made it happen here haha. The kids and teachers at LCI were all getting very excited about our big Halloween celebration. There was to be a haunted house, a song and class decorating contest, and trick-or-treating! Unfortunately, swine flu became and issue and we closed down for 3 days, one of them being October 30th. have no fear, we still celebration Halloween at LCI, just a few days 5 days later on November 5th.
Of course, I couldn't just sit at home on the actual day of Halloween. I got in my Hogwarts costume and headed to Itaewon. I met Sally there, along with my friends Faither and Dan and some others. We partied at the Wolfhound, which is pretty sweet as far as Irish pubs in Korea are concerned.
Here's Sally, me, Faith, and Selica in our costumes

Faith and Dan looked so cute:

And here are some other people with awesome costumes. Some of these people I know, some of them I don't know haha.

Ok enough of that. Now for LCI's Halloween. The following Tuesday was spent getting ready for the big day. Here are my kids making a fierce looking Jack-o-lantern!

All of the teachers worked til about 9pm on Tuesday decorating LCI. It looked awesome!

And now what you've all been waiting babies all dressed up! :-)
Here we have Lisa and Ryann as princesses, Jerry just in all black haha, Wendy as Sailor Moon, and Diego as a "skeleton bat!" And we can't forget Robin, who is a Power Ranger, Christine as Snow White, and Arial as...well, Ariel the Little Mermaid.

Our class won second place in the song contest for their rendition of "The Ghosts Go Marching." I wish I had a video, but the screen on my camera broke so I can't see what I'm doing with it haha. Also, our class won 1st place for the classroom decorating contest!!!! Yay! Here are some pics of our room:

The kids made handprint spiders and I used their pictures as the spider heads. They also made spiders out of egg cartons and pipecleaners which we hung from a giant spider web on the ceiling. It was pretty cool. They were so proud of themselves!
Anyway, that was our Halloween! I'll leave ya with one last pic...all of LCI's teachers in their costumes!

Next is Thanksgiving, which us Americans will be celebrating the Saturday after at a bar in Gangnam...ya know there'll be pics!
Love you all!

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