Monday, February 8, 2010

An American Thanksgiving in Korea

I know what ya'll are saying. "Damn it, Trish! It's February. What's with writing about Thanksgiving in February?!" I know. I've been absolutely horrible in updating this lovely page dedicated to my stay in Korea. The last few months have been INSANE! So I'm gonna start where I left off...and that's Thanksgiving. So quitcha bitchin and just read :-)

My darling Emily Lucille was here for Thanksgiving last year, so she knew what to do. We were going to the Big Rock in Gangnam. First, we had to make a reservation...for like 20! Thank goodness OG took care of all that! All I had to do was show up and that was a pain in the ass all it's own. We all went on the bus together and were supposed to meet at the Starbucks. I was at a Starbucks and so was everyone else...just not the same Starbucks. How did we arrive together and then end up at 2 different Starbucks'??? I have no effin' clue, but leave it up to me! We finally got there and were welcomed with an amazing buffet of REAL food! Turkey and all the fixins'. We were in waygookin heaven!

Pretty damn good for a country that doesn't eat turkey!
They even had pumpkin pie! Emily loved it! As did the rest of us ;-)

They had American football playing too, but I wasn't paying too much attention to it. It was a couple hours of awesome food and awesome friends. I can't wait to do it again!

Love you all!

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